TMJ Auburn MATemporomandibular disorders (TMD) affect millions of Americans. If you experience unexplained jaw soreness or pain, you may be suffering from TMD. Do not continue to suffer in silence. Our team at D.A. Dental is well-versed in the diagnosis and treatment of TMD. We can help you find relief and improve your quality of life. What is TMD?Temporomandibular disorders are interchangeably referred to as temporomandibular joint disorders, or TMJ. TMJ refers to the joint that is affected by TMD, the temporomandibular joint. The TMJ is the connective joint between your jaw and the mandibular bones of your skull. This joint is vital in allowing you to speak and chew. TMD is a variety of disorders that affect the TMJ. If you suffer from a disorder of your TMJ, it may manifest itself in a variety of symptoms. Unfortunately, these symptoms can be easily confused with other dental-related pains and ailments. Our team is experienced in treating TMD and can help determine a proper diagnosis. If you are experiencing pain or soreness, especially upon first waking, you may have TMD. Feelings of facial fatigue and difficulty chewing for long periods of time can also be indicative of a disorder in your TMJ. What Causes TMD?The exact cause of TMD is not currently known. However, there are several risk factors and practices that are closely linked to TMD symptoms. These range from involuntary habits to traumatic incidents. For example, if you have had an injury to your jaw, neck, or head, you may develop TMD. Whiplash can be a correlating factor to the development of TMD as well. Many non-injury related correlating behaviors are linked to the development of TMD. A common risk factor present in patients that experience TMD is high levels of stress. Frequent teeth clenching and grinding can lead to the development of TMD symptoms. If you suffer from arthritis, this may affect the health and function of your temporomandibular joint as well. How is TMD Treated?TMD treatments vary based on your individual needs and the severity of your symptoms. The general treatment approach involves medication, therapy, and surgical procedures. Generally speaking, our team will utilize the first two treatment options and reserve surgical correction for severe cases. A common preliminary effort to treat TMD is the use of medication. If over the counter medications are ineffective, prescription anti-inflammatories and pain relievers may be used for short periods to provide you with pain relief. Our professionals may also prescribe you with muscle relaxers for short term relief of TMD related pain and discomfort. Surgical options are also available to treat your TMD. Our team may recommend the use of a nighttime mouthguard to provide more lasting relief of your TMD symptoms. A soft mouthguard can often alleviate your TMD discomfort. If therapeutic and medicinal treatments are ineffective, surgical treatment may be recommended. If you are experiencing frequent discomfort and jaw pain, contact our team at D.A. Dental today. We can help treat your TMJ, as well as take care of your other oral care needs. We can be reached at (774) 374-8295. |